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Smooth Cactus 🌵

The following is the story of how ‘Smooth Cactus’ came to being. From a life changing accident to a business that focusses on the well being of others. Some stories warrant reading and Heather’s is one of them :

“I had a terrible car accident on my way home from work, my car was found upside down, facing the wrong way, on the wrong side of the road and I was hanging unconscious in the car. As a result of this accident in 2005 I had to have reconstructive facial surgery (pins and plates, the lot, think Face Off!) & I lost my sight in my right eye and 25% peripheral vision in my left eye.

As a result of my loss of sight, I was no longer able to drive, as a result of that I lost my job. All independence & sight lost – OUCH! I spent three months puking and in and out of hospital, getting my face fixed and slowly looking less like I’d done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson!

I chose not to let this break me (excuse the pun) & took it as an opportunity. I left an 8 year relationship, sold my house and went travelling on my own for 14months, a life long dream – yeah, I’m blind, I know what to do, go travelling on my own!

Anyway, where does yoga fit into all of this, well as a result of all this upheaval I started to tap into it way more and began to FINALLY realise the wonder that it really is.

When I got back from travelling I began practicing about 4 times a week, slowly over time, I felt myself shifting. I found the courage to deal with early trauma I had been unable to ever face before, discovered I had PTSD as a result of this trauma. Sought the right support to work my way through all this stuff (which had also resulted in years of self harm and abuse) & tapped into every aspect of yoga I knew how, breathing, meditating, moving, being still.

I have subsequently spent a year doing my 200 hours qualifying as a teacher & am currently on a further 300 hour TT to also become a yoga therapist because I believe so much in this wonderstuff. My next step out my comfort zone was to quit my long term career & job & set up my own company called Smooth Cactus.

I am still very much on my ‘journey’ and know that due to the trauma I still have work to do to reconnect with body, but if yoga can’t get me there, nothing will! ”

Smooth Cactus has adapted to the current work / life restrictions and is really helping others to nurture there physical and mental fitness. It is so important that we all look after ourselves, now more so than ever, so why not get in touch with Heather and find out more 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️