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2023, done!

Morning all!

We run our year from 1st February – 31st January, so in financial year terms, today is our new years eve.  As Jules Holland would say, Happy Hootenanny! 

2023 for us saw new clients come on board, old friendships rekindled, a new business set up in October (FJN Growth), two charity football events in aid of Wolfram UK, our annual race day down at Goodwood, the sponsorship of the D&I award at the annual Health and Protection awards, our first ITIC conference, sponsoring Horsham FC on their epic FA Cup run and sharing the opening of their new stand with our good friends at D Durrant removals , our continued partnership with Roffey Cricket Club – all this with lots of fun and frolics along the way! 

If you have played any part in our year, no matter how big or small, THANK YOU!!!  Stick with us, we’re going places!