And at last they’re up! Very pleased with our beautifully signed and framed Horsham FC shirts from the epic The Emirates FA Cup run.
Leatherhead, Marlow and Hanworth Villa all fell before Doms boys overcame National League Dorking Wanderers (accompanied by now legendary viral post match interview with Dorking owner Marc White). Beating Dorking was a huge achievement and felt like we’d won the FA Cup that day. Who could have predicted what would happen next…
The Barnsley Fc away day was the stuff of legend! What a trip! Lots of stories and memories made. 3 away goals at a club 100 or so places above us was some achievement. The people of Barnsley were great with us and welcome the masses with open arms. Great town for some beers and footy
Then came the magic of the cup controversy with the televised replayed game that we lost 3-0 but still won. Always get your paper work right….
Away at Sutton seemed a dream draw. A league club, a team we have beaten in recent history, direct train from Horsham (if the trains weren’t on strike again…) all seemed to be adding up and the FA Cup dream seemed on!
As often the case in sport, things didn’t pan out as hoped. Sutton were that bit stronger than Horsham and, whilst the lads were far from humiliated, we never really looked like getting the win. Nonetheless, good times were had, songs were sung and beer was drunk!
A big league run in awaits for Dom and the boys. Fingers crossed, the play offs await…..