Few sore heads this morning after an ‘ahem’ emphatic victory last night against the European powerhouse Slovakia….. (if you stayed awake through it all of course)
Our Euros fantasy dreamteam is in full flow and being lead by ‘Arnies Spurs’ – will they go all ‘Spursy’ though, that is the question. 2nd place I assume is an Arsenal fan as the team name is SakaLakakaBoom. 3rd place is Guten Wes Morgan! If these are your teams, can you drop me a note so I know who’s who.
From an FJN Solutions point of view, I am leading the way in 9th with No Pirlo, No Party (any excuse to use my picture of Neve and Fin with Pirlo in Ibiza a few years back). Kai Ellis is 2nd in 17th, Stuart Perry is 3rd in 24th, Amelia Westbrook Cert CII is 4th in 30th and Amy Bellamy is currently 5th in 35th – still lots of time for this to all change though!