It is only 10 days until the FJN Cup. Whilst we are looking forward to having a kick about and seeing everyone, the main reason we are all getting together is to raise funds and awareness for Wolfram UK. For those who do not know about the charity, this is a snippet from the website :
‘We started in 2010, as the only website associated with WS was a worldwide site. There was no easy to read information available and no real support, as many medical professionals had or still have never heard or come across the syndrome. It was felt the UK required a website where families could find information and support that might be helpful to them.
WSUK became a registered charity in June 2013. We work closely with the 2 hospitals that run the WS clinics in Birmingham and host an annual conference for those affected, their families, support teams, medical professionals and researchers.
WSUK as a national charity help fund research and provide support for those affected by the condition and their families. We feel the more people that know about WS the better; and will endeavour to make sure that hospitals, Doctors and other health care professionals are aware of this site.
Our aim is to raise as much awareness of this syndrome as we can’
We are really keen to continue to support Tracey and the team at Wolfram UK and hope that as many of our clients as possible will come along and support.
This event would not take place without the support of Global Benefits Group, Health & Protection and Horsham FC. Thank you to all who have supported so far!