We all agree that good business is built on good partnerships, right? These partnerships, more often than not, become good friendships over the years.
On Friday, I had the good fortune to have a hugely productive meeting and lunch with a long standing client/friend who we are working closely with on some massively exciting plans. On the way back home I fortuitously bumped into another client at Three Bridges station, who I worked with just over 10 years ago when he secured a great role with an amazing company who he still works with and does an amazing job for. We chatted more about music, pubs and life in general, than we did about work but that is part of the fun about truly knowing your clients.
The point of this post is to firstly say thanks to all the clients who continue to stick with us and work with us. I have known some of you for 20 plus years now! Second point is to say that client relationships work. We need to keep a human element to what we do in business as we do in life in general. Don’t let your business, and your processes, become totally automated, inflexible and system driven. We’re in a ‘people’ business so let’s do all that we can to keep it that way!