Lots of you will know that Nic Brown and myself launched FJN Growth Solutions at the tail end of 2023. It started with a chat at Singing Hills golf course (I have kept the scorecard for posterity…) and resulted in us setting up FJN Growth Solutions in October. We now find ourselves closing in on our first full year working together and it is fair to say that we are loving every minute. FJN Growth has worked closely with a number of businesses, both in the UK and internationally, and have seen some amazing results that our clients have been delighted with.
We went from a concept and an idea, to a fully functioning Growth Consultancy much quicker than we could ever have imagined. The next phase of our plan kicks off over the next couple of months and is sure to turn some heads. We look forward to telling our networks lots more about our plans, and also announcing who will be joining us as we expand and scale up our team.
If you, or your company, wants to find out more about FJN Growth, and how we can help your business, drop us a line at enquiries@fjngrowth.co.uk or contact the man in the pic below directly at nic@fjngrowth.co.uk
Exciting times are just around the corner!