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Adapting our ways

Most people will have used a recruitment agency at some point in their career to help them find their next role or to fill a vacancy on their team so everyone will have a rough idea as to what we do on a day to day basis. Some agencies will only do elements of the recruitment process but the majority will seek out new roles to fill, take a brief, source and submit suitable candidates, handle the interview process and offer/rejection process through to the onboarding of a new employee as well as taking instructions from a new candidate searching for a new role and pitching them to possible new employers and again handling the entire end to end process until they are settled in a new role.

However, it has been a strange few months with the pandemic breathing heavily down the necks of businesses and causing a huge amount of disruption.  Many have closed their doors, hopefully temporarily, but quite a few will have fought through this tough time and tried to maintain a semblance of normality, to keep their business solvent but also for their own sanity!  We are a small 3 man business who could not and would not close at this time.  We have found new ways of working but also added new strings to our bow.  We have adapted how and who we work with but also taken on new projects that are outside the norm for recruiters.  As a small business, we get to know our clients as well as we possibly can and understand their businesses as thoroughly as an outsider can.  This makes us more versatile and can adapt the services we provide to our clients.

We have recently completed a new type of research project for a very large insurer client and we hope that many others will feel such service could be of use to them too. Our client provided us with a brief to target a specific market area which would bring new client leads for them. They asked us, and we stepped up to the plate, to research such possible leads and find contacts within these companies that can then be approached to ascertain their interest in buying new insurance or moving their existing policies. We can make the approach on behalf of our client to the possible leads and give feedback or leave it to the client to make their own approach. Either way we are happy to do as much as our client requires.

So in such uncertain times, we have adapted ourselves, sought out new work and provided new services to both existing and new clients. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us with not only your normal recruitment needs but any project work that will grow your teams or your business and portfolios.