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Small Businesses

There is a lot of press at present around supporting local and small businesses, a subject that I personally love. It has almost become quite hip and trendy these days! So, here’s a bit of news for you all – we are a small business. Three people to be precise. Some small businesses like to create the façade of being bigger than they are in order to win more business and bigger clients. We don’t take this approach and quite enjoy our status of being a ‘Small’ business. It makes everything that little bit more personal and although it means working long days, evenings and weekends the rewards are great, and it works for us.

While our plans continue to be to aim high and to work with as many people as possible, our core values will always remain the same. The design is always to get to understand the true culture of each of our clients by really getting know them. Some of our relationships have been built up over a number of years and we truly value these partnerships, this year more than ever. To our longstanding clients, thanks for sticking with us as we really appreciate you and your support. To our new clients, thanks for choosing us, we will do you proud!

Keep supporting us, and we’ll keep supporting you!

#supportsmallbusinesses #supportlocalbusiness