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If there was ever a year for adapting, it is 2020. 

So many people in the market have been made redundant, or furloughed for weeks on end, and find themselves in very unsettling and uncertain positions.  Those of us fortunate to still have jobs are very likely working in a position where the landscape of the role has dramatically changed over the course of the year and find ourselves being pushed outside of our comfort zones.  Every situation is different, but it is fair to say that we have all been tested this year more than we expected. 

As people, adapting and changing our mindsets is a huge thing to do.  This year has created previously unseen levels of doubt and nervousness and things that were once very easy are now incredibly difficult.  The underlying problem is that no one really knows what is coming next. 

So, how do we get on with things?  This brings me on to the topic of my amazing wife.  I asked her permission to write about recent events and she point blank told me ‘no’.  I am therefore in complete breach of GDPR but I wanted to share the positivity with this one. 

Juliet was made redundant in August after 23 years from her position as Project Manager working for a business that distributes components for the airline industry. As the market she specialises in is in complete freefall currently there are very few, if any, roles available that suit her skill set and most recent product knowledge. So, she has adapted her ways and applied for jobs outside of her skill set and comfort zone. She recently applied for a role in an office for a local business who distribute children’s toys. The role had gone by the time Juliet applied but the chap who spoke with her seemed really nice and said that there are roles in the warehouse if that would be of interest. This is 100% outside of her comfort zone, and not something she has ever done before, but she said ‘go on then, I’ll give it a go’. This is only a temp role and not a long term thing, could be days, could be weeks, but the pride I feel towards my wife for doing this and putting herself completely out of her comfort zone is huge.

I think the message behind this is, even if the ideal role is not out there just yet, keep putting yourself out there and try new things if you can. Keep going all! We will get there in the end!