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Interview dress code, what is it now?

It is very fair to say that interview protocols have changed dramatically in the last year and a half. Gone were the days of booking a day off work and waiting for a delayed train in the pouring rain (if you live in Southern Rail territory as I do the train would highly likely be cancelled too). As all interviews were Teams, Zoom or Webex all you had to do was get dressed (in some cases we had admissions from our contacts that they only dressed the top half of their body – fear not, we will not disclose who!), go downstairs, open the lap top and away you go! Easy!

Now we are getting back to meeting face to face when looking to secure our new roles, how do we dress???

Do we go straight back to the full office wear – suits, ties, dresses etc?

Or, do we go for the middle ground of ‘smart casual’?

We are interested to get your opinion both as an interviewer and interviewee – what do you think???