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Last Friday, June 24th, saw the FJN Cup come to Horsham FC again. This was our third game and was our most successful in terms of funds raised for charity. This time we had brand new kits which were kindly sponsored by Global Benefits Group and Health & Protection / Corporate Adviser.

The two teams both started brightly.  A no show for team GBG and two early casualties left the Blue team light on numbers and looking a little anxiously at a bench with three less players than the White team.  The Blue team also struggled to deal with the Whites high line and were victim of the linesperson’s flag on at least 5 occasions in the first 20mins.  Pre-planned wholesale changes for both teams happen on 22 mins and the game opened up with chances for both teams.  On 40 minutes, with the game looking likely to be 0-0 at half time, Tom Stafford (Charles Taylor Assistance) cut out an under hit back pass to round keeper Dan Small to score the first of the afternoon.  The Blues of GBG were not to be deflated by going 1-0 down and responded quickly when Scott Shorey converted a slide rule through ball to make sure the honours were even at the break.

HT 1-1

The second half was the start of the Amit Bhudia (Libra) show!  Amit hit the afterburners twice in quick succession to out pace the White’s defence and score two goals in the space of 10 minutes.  The Blues had a period of sustained pressure and looked likely to score more goals before the Whites came charging back into contention when Tom Stafford scored his second of the afternoon with a coolly taken penalty.  With the scores at 3-2 Amit Bhudia stood over a free kick with Ronaldoesq confidence before banging in an absolute beauty to secure his hatrick to finish off what little hope the White team had (goal pictured below).

One quick mention to Stuart Perry for hitting a rasping drive that rattled the cross bar (the keeper clearly had it covered though 😉)

FT 4-2

The post match beers were richly deserved, none more so than for James East (Charles Taylor Assistance) and Amit Bhudia who secured the ‘Player of the Match’ awards as presented by Claire Hargreaves of GBG and Owain Thomas of H&P.  Jon Day of One Claim Ltd awarded the match winning trophy to winning captain Dan Small of FJN and Claire Hargreaves of GBG.  The trophy will stay in the GBG trophy cabinet until the next match. Fingers crossed we will have a date confirmed soon.

A special mention and huge thanks is extended to Bal Basra (Allianz), Nick Hale and Bruno Coelho (Engage), Dan Woods (Now Health), Ric Mustard (Aviva) and Richard Grover (Wingate) who have now been involved in all three games that we have played. We massively appreciate your support guys! All have you have got at least one win too.

Huge thanks to all involved and a special mention to Wolfram UK who we raised £1,180 in match and attendance fees.