One month today sports fans! 14th June marks the start of the Euros, as Scotland lock horns with Germany, but more importantly, the second FJN Solutions 6 a side tournament takes place at Horsham FC
We have 10 teams confirmed, and are looking forward to seeing lots of friendly faces. We will play two leagues, of 5 teams each, with the top two teams going through to the semi finals and then final. Last year’s final was a thriller and went to penalties before Allianz’s very own Jerzy Dudek (aka Paddy Lawlor) pulled off a mind-games masterpiece to see his team pick up the trophy!
This year, the companies that will be represented are :
Allianz Partners (to defend the trophy)
Howden Employee Benefits & Wellbeing
The Clear Group / LawSure Insurance
Brown & Brown Insurance
AXA – Global Healthcare
Bupa Global
Charles Taylor Assistance
Now Health International
and of course, little old, FJN Solutions
Whilst FJN have a full team (I hope), I know a couple of the other teams may have a space or two for a player, so if you are after a game and connected with any of the above companies, give them a shout.
The day is all about having a laugh, getting together with some industry mates, sharing a beer or two and raising lots of money for Wolfram Syndrome UK (my main objective is that my knee holds up…)
Hope to see lots of you there on the day ⚽🏆☀🍻