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Author: Dan Small

Happy Thanksgiving!

Fair to say that our collection of US based clients is ever growing. We have had the good fortune to make our first couple of senior hires in the US within the last year – something that we are very proud of as it proves

From the Gutter to the Stars….

A very good friend of ours at Synchronicity Insurance has taken the opportunity to take a positive from 2020 and to write a book based around his experiences of following Brighton & Hove Albion. From The Gutter To The Stars, is Simon Medhurst’s view on


If there was ever a year for adapting, it is 2020.  So many people in the market have been made redundant, or furloughed for weeks on end, and find themselves in very unsettling and uncertain positions.  Those of us fortunate to still have jobs are

Small Businesses

There is a lot of press at present around supporting local and small businesses, a subject that I personally love. It has almost become quite hip and trendy these days! So, here’s a bit of news for you all – we are a small business.


As a small business, we rely not only on our knowledge, expertise, skills and contacts to do our roles well, helping our clients and candidates find and fill the right roles, but also on the reputation we build in doing our everyday work. Reputations often

The world keeps spinning!

We treated ourselves (by this, I mean Dan treated us) to a slap-up meal at a local Michelin star restaurant on Friday to celebrate a very successful Q3. Believe it or not, a better Q3 than last year. Not only was this a great chance

Read all about it….

Are quarterly newsletters a thing of the past? I used to quite enjoy the monthly and quarterly updates in my old days working in the insurance market, but, do you lot really want to know what we are up to and our views on life


It is around this time of year that we wear our poppies in memory of the people who gave the ultimate sacrifice for us. The pictures in this post came up on my Facebook memory feed today and conjured up a range of emotions. First

Horsham FC

Not really a ‘work’ post as such but as we sponsor the mighty Horsham FC we wanted to share a little bit of history from the weekend. Horsham had the joint highest attendance in the country on Saturday – not something I thought we would say at

Recruitment : People industry, driven by people

We view recruitment as a people driven industry.  In many ways, it is the most people driven industry there is.  It is personal and emotive as ultimately it is about people’s careers and, particularly this year, livelihoods.     As per every industry in modern times,