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Author: Dan Small

National Pet Day

You will often hear me mutter the words ‘there’s a day for everything these days….’. That said, I have just found out that it is #nationalpetday today and I thought I should share a picture of our beautiful Hank. Hank works here a couple of days per

Friday 25th March in pictures…

At last I have managed to format the pictures! I think everyone involved is in here somewhere. Apologies to those who did not book the afternoon off and are now in trouble! It was a fantastic afternoon and lots of fun was had by all.

Match report…

After weeks of planning, our charity game of football finally took place.  Lots of hard work went into this and the added pressure of supporting two charities made us find another gear to get things done.  Before we get onto the match details, we need

Football’s coming home…..

I have returned from skiing in one piece (albeit aching a bit) and the next bit of sporting activity takes place this Friday at Horsham FC! The kits are fresh and clean and ready to go! For those who would like to come along and watch,

Non League Day – 26th March

Non-League Day is a day set aside in English football where supporters of clubs playing at the highest levels of the game are encouraged to experience football at non-league level with which they may be unfamiliar. This year, non league day is Saturday 26th March.

Wolfram UK

Our wonderful piece of commissioned artwork by the multi talented Jennifer is now up at our accounts/HR/hot desk upstairs in the office. Pride of place and looking resplendent in the early morning sunshine! #WolframUK

FJN, what does it mean???

Since we rebranded last week, I have been asked the question ‘what does FJN stand for?’ on numerous occasions. So, what does it mean??? The answer is that it stands for ‘Finlay, Juliet & Neve’.  My wife and two kids.  Naming a business is a