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Employee Benefits

Employee Benefits

Having had a chat in the office today, we were wondering what do employee benefits look like to you? What do you like, what are you not bothered about and what do you want more of? Having recruited for the employee benefits market for a



What a day we had last Wednesday at beautiful Goodwood! It was great to be able to get out and meet our clients again and have some fun in the sun. In some cases it was the first time we have met, in other cases



Morning all! You may have noticed of late that Stuart Perry and Chloë Waters Assoc CIPD have changed our LinkedIn profile pictures to add a snazzy little purple swoosh. The time has come to grow our team of consultants from 4 to 5 (or 6, 7, 8…..). After feeling

We had to go old school today and actually post a few bits to some clients. It was nice to be greeted by this little work of art by the WI on the post box by our office! What a lovely little tribute and one

Flexible working

Flexible working

God Morgen all! We have a Copenhagen office for a couple days. Give Chloë Waters Assoc CIPD a shout for all things assistance related. The remote working capability has really changed the landscape of where, when and how we work. One of the few positives of the

6 years!

6 years!

Who would have thought it but today marks 6 years of working with the man, the legend, Stuart Perry!  It is a very fair and accurate comment to make when I say that FJN Solutions as a business would not be here without him. Our business is built on